Default style for total cost details
When booking a room, after selecting the check-in/out dates, number of guests, extra services, etc., the total price of the order will be automatically calculated based on these options.
There is a small arrow next to “Total Cost”, which indicates that more information has been folded up. At this time, click on the “Total Cost” line to expand the originally folded information and see the specific details of the total cost.
You may think that some customers may miss this arrow and wonder where to find the price details of their order. To avoid this situation, you can set the total cost details to be expanded by default. Please see the steps below.
Display total cost details by default (click to collapse/expand)
Open your WordPress Customizer and navigate to “Rooms” > “Booking Form Items“, find “Total Cost Details” and select “Display by default“.
After saving the changes, the total cost details of the room order will be displayed by default. These details can still be collapsed or expanded by clicking on the “Total Cost” line.
Always display total cost details (can no longer be collapsed)
Open your WordPress Customizer and navigate to “Rooms” > “Booking Form Items“, find “Total Cost Details” and select “Always display“.
After saving the changes, the total cost details of the room order will always be shown. These details can no longer be collapsed. The arrow next to Total Cost will disappear.
Total Base Price Breakdown
What is “Total Base Price”?
In the expanded Total Cost Details, the following may be included:
- Total Base Price
- Extra Services Fees
- Discounts
The “Total Base Price” refers to the total price of the room itself. By default, its details are collapsed. You can see an “i” icon next to the “Total Base Price”. Click it to expand more information:
- Total number of nights
- Specific price per night
- Total base/room price