PatioTime Documentation

How to cancel the overlap effect of the site header

November 24, 2022

In this video, we will show you how to cancel the overlap effect of the site header.

  1. Please navigate to the Admin Bar at the top of the page, and find “Edit with Elementor”.
  2. Hover over it to show a drop-down list. Find the site header, its name will vary depending on the demo you imported, for example, it may be “Main Header”, “Seafood Header”, “Pastry Header”, etc., the key word is “Header“.
  3. Click on it to open the Elementor editor.
  4. You will need to add a background color to the site header. Please navigate to each “Section”, and click “Styletab in the left sidebar, there you can add a “Background Color”.
  5. Click the “Gear” icon in the left sidebar, and then you will find “PatioTime Site Header Settings“, please disable “Overlap Header“.