Inner Elements Animation


Since version 1.2, you can choose the Entrance and Exit Animation for the Inner Elements in the loading screen.

What are Inner Elements?

The Inner Elements are: the loader, the progress indicator, and the message.

But please note: for best results, if you choose to display a progress bar and set its position to “Top” or “Bottom”, then the Entrance & Exit Animation will not be applied to this progress bar. Otherwise it will look weird.

Entrance Animation

Here are 3 options for the “Entrance Animation” setting:

  • None – Default. The inner elements will appear in the loading screen without any transition animation effect.
  • Fade In – The inner elements will appear with a fade in transition: opacity from 0 to 1.
  • Slide Up – The inner elements will slide in from the bottom of the loading screen.

Exit Animation

Here are 2 options for the “Exit Animation” setting:

  • Fade Out – When the loading process is complete, the inner elements will disappear with a fade out transition: opacity from 1 to 0.
  • Slide Up – When the loading process is complete, the inner elements will slide up off the loading screen.